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Our best tips for keeping your new kitchen clean 


Our Best Tips for Keeping Your New Kitchen Clean

Walking into your brand-new kitchen when it’s first installed is a great feeling. But, if it’s not maintained properly it can quickly turn your feelings of love into something else. So here’s our best tips for thoroughly cleaning and maintaining your kitchen.

Cut The Clutter
Keeping your surfaces and sorting our your cupboards will not only make your kitchen look more tidy and organised, it also makes it easier to maintain. We suggest going through your cupboards and selecting items you no longer use and getting rid of them, then reorganise everything in a way that makes them easy to get to based on the frequency that you use them. Got broken or old, worn items? Now might be the time to get rid of them.


Sort the Fridge and Pantry
Get your bin out and start chucking out the old food and leftovers. Check expiry dates and clean it all out. Then, start cleaning shelves to remove sticky spots and crumbs with a cleaning cloth and household cleaner. Now it’s time to organise your shelves in a way that makes sense to you with labels facing forward so they’re easy to grab when you’re in a hurry.

Hit The Hard Spots
Start checking the areas that aren’t necessarily at your eye-level or are out of reach. We’re talking the top of the fridge or the wall cabinetry, get in there with a duster and wipe over. Then, get stuck into the rangehood with some kitchen degreaser and don’t forget to clean any light fixtures you can get to.


Your oven, microwave and stovetop work hard throughout the year, and don’t get cleaned as often as they should.

You can clean your microwave with products you already have in your house, such as all-purpose cleaner or vinegar. Remove the turntable and wash it in the sink before cleaning out the microwave itself. Try an abrasive cream cleaner for stubborn food stains and splatters, thoroughly rinsing off with water. Do the same thing on your stove top, removing grates before spraying cleaner.

We know cleaning your oven is difficult and messy but it’ll look so good once it’s done. You can try an all-purpose cleaner or vinegar on your oven too for a sparkly shine.

Clean All Surfaces
The just daily dust and dirt, not to mention the larger spills can leave benchtops and cabinet doors a little grubby over time.

We suggest starting by wiping down your benchops with a damp cloth and kitchen surface cleaner. They, get stuck into your cabinets with some warm, soapy water and don’t forget to do the insides of the cupboard doors too. We know you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes. If you’ve got an engineered stone benchtop from Caesarstone, Essastone, Dekton or any of our other great suppliers, you may have been supplied with a special cleaning product and instructions – be sure to follow these when cleaning for the best possible result.

Even though it’s where you do your cleaning, the kitchen sink is usually the dirtiest item in your kitchen. To keep it hygienic and fresh start by removing any sponges or dishes in the way, including the drain stopper. Take to the tap, drain and basin with a disinfectant spray, not forgetting the drainer or plug! Boil the kettle and pour it down the sink to clear any odour-inducing grime that’s made its way down the drain. Rinse out the rest of the sink with hot water then wipe over with a dry cloth to leave it sparkling.


Wipe Down Windows
You’ve done all this work now don’t forget the windows! Give them a deep clean with warm, soapy water first. Then, grab some white vinegar and newspaper for a streak-free shine.


The only thing left now is the floors. Start by vacuuming all the dust and debris you’ve swept onto the floor and then thoroughly mop depending on your flooring material.

To save yourself from doing an extensive clean too often, here’s some tips to maintain your now clean kitchen:

  • Clean as you go when cooking,
  • Wipe over bench tops in the evening and keep items on them to a minimum,
  • If you don’t have time for a thorough clean be sure to at least rinse dirty dishes to avoid lingering food smells,
  • Run the dishwasher at night so you wake up to clean dishes,
  • Keep your sink clean and empty,
  • Keep cloths and cleaning products easily accessible but out of sight,
  • Make the pantry and fridge clean out a regular occurrence.
Take your kitchen to a new level with a brand-new, custom-made, DIY kitchen from Luma. Shop now