Buy now, Pay Later

Finance options just for you

Looking for another way to be able to afford your new Luma kitchen? We want to help make your purchase as hassle free as possible.

We’re now offering 0% finance for 12 months in partnership with humm.

It’s a simple and quick online application process. Just calculate how much your purchase is going to cost and then hit the Apply Now button below to start your finance application.

Luma DIY Kitchen Renovations Interest Free Options


Apply online in minutes (you'll need to be over 18, a permanent resident and earning over $25,000 full time)



Upon approval, you'll receive an SMS with important information about your humm account and a 4-digit code SMSed to you.



Go through the checkout process and select the 'Finance' payment option. You'll need to enter the second 4-digit code SMSed to you.



Enjoy your purchase! You'll receive a welcome pack with your card within 10 business days and monthly statements showing the minimum payment and due date.